

  • PO:Purchase Order

  • SO:Shipping Order


  • OKR:Objectives and Key Results

  • CFR:Conversation Feedback Recognition

  • SMART:Specific Measurable Assignable Realistic Time-related

  • STAR:Situation Task Action Result

  • CAPA:

  • ST:Sell Through 通常指厂商销售给一级二级代理商

  • SO:Sell Out 指直接销售给用户

  • LTV:Lifetime Value

  • cac:customer acquisition cost

  • gmv:gross mechandise volume

  • gtv:gross transaction volume

  • AKA: Also Known As

  • CFR:Conversation Feedback Recognition

  • SOP:Standard Operating Procedure

  • NPS:Net Promoter Score 净推荐值


  • CPT:Cost Per Transaction 按成交量计费
  • CPC:Cost Per Click 以每点击一次计费
  • CPA:Cost Per Action 每次行动成本,计价方式是指按广告投放实际效果,即按回应的有效问卷或订单来计费,而不限广告投放量
  • DSP:Demand Side Platform 广告主需求方

CS computer science

  • SSO:Single Sign-On
  • SPOF:Single Point Of Failure
  • TOGAF:The Open Group Architecture Framework
  • CBO:cost based optimizations
  • AOT:Ahead-of-time
  • LCE:Launch Coordination Engineering
  • KISS:Keep it Simple and Stupid
  • LVS:Linux Virtual Server
  • CMP:composed method pattern
  • Ad-hoc: for this
  • 1-5-10:1分钟发现故障-5分钟定位原因-10分钟处理问题
  • TGI:Target Group Index
  • CDC:Change Data Capture
  • AKSK:AccessKey 和 SecretKey
  • BVT:Build Verification Test
  • RDD:Resilient Distributed Dataset
  • HPC:high performance computing
  • bff:backend for front
  • NTP:Network time protocal
  • 2pc:2 phase commit
  • 2pl:2 phase locking
  • non repeatable read:read skew
  • MPP:massively parallel processing
  • SSTable:Sorted Strings Table
  • SEDA:Staged Event Driven Architecture
  • DIP:dependency inversion principle
  • CAS:Central Authentication Service
  • RAID:Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
  • NAS:Network-attached Storage
  • sata:Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
  • rpm:Revolutions per minute: rev/min, r/min, or with the notation min−1
  • HDD:Hard Disk Drive
  • SSD:solid-state drives
  • PCIe or PCI-e:PCI Express:Peripheral Component Interconnect Express
  • NVMe:Non-Volatile Memory Express
  • XA:eXtended Architecture
  • NCA:Network Computing Architecture
  • VPC:Virtual Private Cloud
  • mutex:Mutual Exclusion
  • SICP:Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
  • ACL:Anticorruption Layer
  • PS:PartnerShip
  • LSP:Language Server Protocal https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification
  • JNLP:Java Network Launch Protocol
  • CQRS:Command and Query Responsibility Segregation
  • TLAB:Thread Local Allocation Buffer
  • MMU:Memory Management Unit
  • NPC N:Network Delay,网络延迟 P:Process Pause,进程暂停(GC) C:Clock Drift,时钟漂移
  • MTBF:Mean Time Between Failure 平均故障间隔
  • MTTR:Mean Time To Repair 故障的平均恢复时间
  • CPE:Cycles Per Element
  • CFQ:Completely Fair Queuing
  • JMH:Java Microbenchmark Harness
  • oops:Ordinary Object Pointers
  • SPI:Service Provider Interface
  • rrt:round trip time
  • FST:Finite-State-Transducer
  • GPX:GPS eXchange Format
  • RESP:REdis Serialization Protocol
  • NVM:Non-Volatile Memory
  • ACL:Access Control List
  • LTS:Long Term Stable
  • RC:release candidate
  • ABI:Application Binary Interface
  • DPDK:Data Plane Development Kit
  • JDWP:Java Debug Wire Protocol
  • RDB:Redis DataBase
  • AOF:AppendOnlyFile
  • KISS:Keep it Simple and Stupid
  • RK:Rabin-Karp
  • BF:Brute Force
  • BFS:Breadth-First-Search
  • DFS:Depth-First-Search
  • MRR:Multi-Range Read https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/mrr-optimization.html
  • CE:Computer Engineering
  • BBT:Balanced Binary Tree
  • BST:Binary Search Tree
  • AVL:AVL 是大学教授 G.M. Adelson-Velsky 和 E.M. Landis 名称的缩写,他们提出的平衡二叉树的概念,为了纪念他们,将 平衡二叉树 称为 AVL树
  • BF:Balance Factor:左子树高度-右子树高度
  • CA:Certificate Authority
  • GA:generally available
  • KNN:k-nearest neighbours
  • ocr:optical character recognition
  • bst:binary search tree
  • SHA:secure hash algorithm
  • rt:ResponseTime
  • CR:Code Review
  • CL:Change List
  • SSD:Solid State Drive(Disk)
  • HDD:Hard Disk Drive(spinning disk | spinny disk)
  • TBD:To Be Determined
  • RISC:A reduced instruction set computer
  • CISC:A complex instruction set computer
  • LSN:log sequence number
  • mcs:John Mellor-Crummey + Michael Scott
  • clh:Craig Landin and Hagersten
  • NUMA:Non-Uniform Memory Access
  • SMP:Symmetric Multi-Processor
  • SCM:Software Configuration Management
  • NUSI:non-unique secondary indexes
  • ICP:Index Condition Pushdown Optimization
  • QOS:Quality Of Service
  • LSM:Log-Structured Merge-Tree
  • oltp:Online transaction processing
  • olap:Online analytical processing
  • rc:Run Commands/Run Control
  • wbs:work breakdown structure <管理> 工作分解结构
  • SLA:service level agreement
  • RESP:REdis Serialization Protocol
  • SDS:Simple Dynamic String
  • APM:Application Performance Monitoring
  • TLB:Translation Lookaside Buffer 快表
  • PTE:Page Table Entry 页表
  • OAP:Observability Analysis Platform
  • CRD:custom resource definition
  • NAT:Network Address Translation
  • TSDB:Time Series Database
  • CQRS:Command Query Responsibility Segregation
  • WebRTC:Web Real-Time Communication
  • pip:Package Installer for Python
  • CNCF:Cloud Native Computing Foundation
  • MTU:maximum transmission unit
  • NIC:network interface controller
  • DMA:Direct Memory Access
  • WAL:write ahead logging
  • AOF:Append Only File
  • SRE:Site Reliability Engineering
  • cat:concatenate
  • IaaS:Infrastructure as a Service
  • IBM:international business machines
  • proc:process information pseudo-filesystem
  • JCP EC:Executive Committee
  • JSR:Java Specification Request
  • JCP:Java Community Process
  • jinfo:JVM Configuration info
  • jhat:JVM Heap Analysis Tool
  • jmap:JVM Memory Map
  • jstat:JVM statistics Monitoring
  • jps:JVM Process Status Tool
  • Visualgc:Visual Garbage Collection Monitoring Tool
  • mat:Memory Analyzer Tool
  • Jhat:Java Heap Analyzer Tool
  • GAV:GroupId ArtifactctId Version: Maven坐标,是用来唯一标识jar包
  • SIT:System Integration Testing
  • MVCC:Multi-Version Concurrency Control
  • RMI:Remote Method Invocation
  • AWT:Abstract Window Toolkit
  • EDT:Event Dispatch Thread
  • CSP:Communicating sequential processes
  • TLS:Transport Layer Security
  • IPC:Inter-Process Communication
  • WAN:Wide Area Network
  • EDID:Extended Display Identification Data
  • EXIF:Exchangeable image file format
  • FYI:For Your Information
  • RAML:RESTful API Modeling Language
  • NACK:Negative Acknowledgement
  • AMQP:Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
  • DDD:Domain-Driven Design
  • ESB:Enterprise Service Bus
  • AWS:Amazon Web Services
  • PDCA:Plan Do Check Act
  • ETL:Extract, Transform and Load
  • CSRF:Cross-site request forgery
  • JMX:Java Management Extensions
  • mvnw:Maven Wrapper
  • RDS:Relational Database Service
  • ECS:Elastic Compute Service
  • rc:run command | run configure
  • KVM:Kernel-based Virtual Machine
  • VMM:Virtual Machine Monitor
  • HDFS:Hadoop Distributed File System
  • NAS:Network Attached Storage
  • AWT:Abstract Window Toolkit
  • EXIF:Exchangeable Image File
  • BLOB:binary large object
  • ISAM:Indexed Sequential Access Method
  • LRU:Least Recently Used
  • RDDs:Resilient distributed datasets
  • AMQP:Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
  • lte:Less Than Equals
  • gte:Greater Than Equals
  • UUID:Universally Unique IDentifier
  • PEP:Python Enhancement Proposals
  • rc:runlevel control
  • war:Web application ARchive
  • jar:Java ARchive
  • SMB:Server Message Block:服务器消息块
  • HLOOKUP:Horizental Lookup
  • VLOOKUP:Vertical Lookup
  • TFTP:Trivial File Transfer Protocol
  • vsftpd:very secure ftp daemon
  • MTU:Maximum Transmission Unit
  • SIT:System Integration Testing:系统内部集成测试
  • UAT:User Acceptance Testing:用户验收测试
  • GDPR:General Data Protection Regulation
  • MCU:Microcontroller Unit:微控制单元
  • SLA:service level agreement
  • CAP:Consistency(一致性)、 Availability(可用性)、Partition tolerance(分区容错性)
  • BASE:Basically Available(基本可用)、Soft state(软状态)和Eventually consistent(最终一致性)
  • cdr:could-er:Contents of the Decrement part of the Register
  • car:Contents of the Address part of the Register
  • cons:construct
  • SCRUM:
  • TPS:Transaction Per Second
  • QPS:Request Per Second
  • Feature-driven development:FDD(功能驱动式开发)
  • OSS:Object Storage Service
  • built-in function:BIF
  • TIOBE:The Importance Of Being Earnest
  • sarg:searchable argument
  • RDBMS:Relational Database Management System
  • EJB:Enterprise Java Beans
  • DBC:DataBase Commander
  • posm:Point of Sales Materials_辅助销售材料,例如吊旗,跳跳卡,冰箱贴,地贴店招,横幅,海报,宣传单张,价格牌,瓶颈标签,吊牌等,促销纪念品、现场销售派送品、免费试用品等,堆头,促销台等
  • SFA:Sales Force Automation
  • mtu:Maximum Transmission Unit
  • nfs:Network File System:网络文件系统
  • dfs:Depth-First-Search:深度优先搜索
  • mq:message queue
  • rpc:remote procedure call
  • cd:continuous delivery
  • ci:continuous integration
  • RESTful:Representational State Transfer
  • JMM:Java Memory Model
  • MESI:Modified修改 Enclusive独享 Shared共享 Invalid无效
  • grep:global search regular expression(RE) and print out the line
  • PaaS:platform as a service
  • EDA:event-driven architecture
  • DRY:Don’t Repeat Yourself
  • BPM:Business process manager
  • BPEL:business process execution language
  • DSL:domain-specific language
  • pwd:print working directory
  • TDD:Test Driven Development
  • LF:Line-Feed:换行
  • CRLF:Carriage-Return Line-Feed:回车换行
  • MVP:minimal viable product
  • RHEL:Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • STAR:Situation Task Action Result
  • <hr />:horizontal rule
  • <br />:blank rule
  • SIFT:software implemented fault tolerance (computing system)
  • VFS:Virtual File System
  • FHS:Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
  • cwd:current work dirctory
  • DDoS:Distributed Denial of Service
  • NFS:Network File System
  • MTU:Maximum Transmission Unit
  • CSRF:Cross-site request forgery
  • PWA:Progressive Web App
  • SFC:single-file components
  • RPM:RPM Package Manager_Red Hat Package Manager
  • FHS:Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
  • GNU:GNU is Not Unix(recursive abbreviation)
  • GPL:GNU General Public License
  • VFS:Virtual Filesystem
  • JVMTI:Java Virtual Machine Tool Interface
  • PSR:PHP Standard Recommendations
  • REPL:R(read)、E(evaluate)、P(print)、L(loop)
  • CAS:Compare and Swap
  • LNMP:Linux+Nginx+MySQL+PHP
  • POSIX:Portable Operating System Interface of Unix
  • IEEE:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
  • JMS:Java Message Service
  • JNDI:Java Naming and Directory Interface
  • SPI:Service Provider Interface
  • MOM:Message Oriented Middleware
  • BPM:Business Process Management
  • SKU:Stock Keeping Unit
  • SPU:Standard Product Unit
  • REST:Representational State Transfer
  • SOAP:Simple Object Access Protocol
  • BOM:Browser Object Model
  • POM:Project Object Model
  • PSS:Purchase Sales Stock
  • WMS:Warehouse Management System
  • P2P:Peer To Peer
  • RBAC:Role Based Access Control
  • Servlet:Service Applet
  • JSP:Java Server Page
  • EL:Expression Language
  • JSTL:JSP Standard Tag Lib
  • Servlet:Service Applet
  • POJO:Plain Old Java Object
  • HQL : Hibernate Query Language
  • CRUD:Create Retrieve Update Delete
  • ACID:Atomicity-Consistency-Isolation-Durability
  • DI:Dependency Injection
  • IOC:Inversion Of Control
  • AOP:Aspect Oriented Programming
  • OSGI:Open Service Gateway Initiative
  • JNDI:Java Naming and Directory Interface
  • TCP:Transmission Control Protocol
  • UDP:User Datagram Protocol
  • UML:Unified Modeling Language
  • Dom:Document Object Model
  • BOM:Browser Object Model
  • JSON:JavaScript Object Notation
  • AJAX:Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
  • XML:eXtensible Markup Language
  • XSD:XML Schema Definition
  • DTD:Document Type Definition
  • xmlns:XML Name Space
  • DQL:Database Query Language
  • DML:Database Manipulation Language
  • DDL:Database Definition Language
  • TPL:Transaction Process Language
  • DCL:Database Control Language
  • CCL:Cursor Control Language
  • ADO:ActiveX Data Object
  • ORM:Object Relation Mapping
  • JPA:Java Persistence API
  • API:Application Programming Interface
  • J2SE:Java Standard Edition
  • J2EE:Java Enterprise Edition
  • MIME:Multi_purpose Internet Mail Extension
  • URL:Unified Resource Locator
  • URI:Unified Resource Identifier
  • SDK:Software Development Kit
  • AOP:Aspect Oriented Programming
  • OGNL:Object Graph Navigation Language
  • DAO:Data Access Object


  • DDL: Data Definition Language
    • CREATE
    • ALTER
    • DROP
    • RENAME
  • DML: Data Manipulation Language
    • SELECT
    • UPDATE
    • INSERT
    • DELETE
    • MERGE
    • CALL
  • DCL: Database Control Language
    • GRANT
    • REVOKE
  • TCL: Transaction Control Language
    • COMMIT


  • IMHO: In My Humble Opinion
  • LGTM: Looks Good To Me
  • PTAL: Please Take A Look
  • SGTM: Sounds Good To Me
  • TBD: To Be Done
  • TBR: To Be Reviewed
  • TL;DR: Too Long;Didn’t Read
  • WDYT: What Do You Think